
beware the lies...

Saturday, September 11, 2004

rock on brotha

I went to the IGA last night on my rollerblades. It's pretty sweet how much faster I get there and back but man, I didn't realize how tough it is to keep balanced with a bunch of bags in each hand and rollerblading. It was nice and cool out though, and the IGA doesn't care if you blade around their store (so long as you don't start getting flash-backs of your professional hockey season days and hip check some old lady into a pile of cans). I got back home and slowly but surely made a super filling dinner and talked to the family.

I'm just having my coffee and doing the internet routine. Why is it that we as humans depend on routines so much? We feel lost without them...or maybe it's just me? anyways...I was looking for the tabs to a couple of songs and came across tabs that were ***.ptb which turned out to be "power tab" format. So I went and downloaded the power tab program (very slowly) and when I got it....holy nut sac this is the best thing ever! It shows the notes, tabs, and has that thing that ticks to let you know the beat (what the crap is it called again?). and you can play it to hear what it sounds like!! wow! I am truly impressed with the perfect simplicity (make-a-sense?). I feel so stupid for not coming across this after playing downloaded tabs all these years. Power tab...I want to touch you and spank yo mama. I think that's the morning coffee kicking in...gigiti!


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