
beware the lies...

Friday, October 22, 2004

yup...he's lost it

like all other students at this time, midterms are coming around. and the assignments are plentiful. when i finished my last class today, i was feeling mentally tired and was looking forward to going home. so on my way to the metro station from school, i was just thinking about how i was feeling kinda tired and sleepy and was wondering what i could do...caffiene doesn't do much anymore, and as i was thinking this, the guy walking ahead of me just out of nowhere looses control and trips...he doesn't fall down or anything but just tripped over his feet and barely managed to keep standing. i just stare and then look down as i pass the area of trippage, trying to find what it was that he tripped on. upon finding absolutely nothing, i burst out laughing so hard! like it's the funniest shit i've ever seen in my life or something...there were tears forming and i couldn't stop laughing. i just laughed myself to the metro station uncontrollably with the guy still walking ahead of me, with the knowledge that this is all it took to make me loose it.

it was pretty funny though, seeing the guy just do this wierd tripping flip-out thing and then just keep walking...the important part is that after that brief period of insanity, i feel much better. i think it recharged my morale...wow, that was a good laugh. poor guy should learn to walk...


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